Our Lady of Lourdes Parish offers Religious Formation leading to the Sacrament of First Penance and First Communion
Who? For children at grade level 1-6 and the age for First Penance & First Communion.
What? A family-based religious education program in which your child (Grade 1 – 5) attends a monthly session with you or a guardian/adult and Grade 6 (no parent/guardian) attends twice a month. Your Grade 1-5 class will meet either Saturday afternoon 3 – 5:30 pm or Monday evening 5 – 7:30 pm. The Grade 6 class meets on Sunday for 9:30 am Mass and class 10:30-11:45 am. We learn about the Faith together and provide resources for you to continue sharing and teaching at home. This program also includes an introductory workshop, retreat, and at-home workbook for preparation for First Penance and First Communion. A young person must complete at least one year of Family Catechesis before starting the preparation for the sacrament of First Penance and First Communion.
The 2024-2025 Religious Education program fee is $100 per child due at time of registration. To register, click here for Religious Education Registration page for both online registration and hard-copy forms. On “Registration” page, there is a special May-June discount announced.
For more information about Religious Education, contact the Rectory Office 973.325.0110 or email
Prior to your first class, you must (1) complete the REGISTRATION FORM, (2) provide baptismal certificate for each child, (3) pay your fees in full either in cash or by check payable to "Our Lady of Lourdes."